Our T&Cs relate to the services we’re providing you and the separate Job Card/Rate Sheet document (JC). Each time you request our people, we’ll issue a separate JC and these T&Cs will still apply. If there’s any inconsistency, the applicable JC prevails.
"You" are the client and "we" are Resource365.Global (Resource365). "Services" means the provision by us of our people to use at your discretion. "People" means one of our staff, or someone we introduce to you, who’ll be a Microsoft Business Solutions/Power Platform Certified Professional consultant and who’ll perform work for you.
Our people
We’ll use our best endeavours to provide you with people according to your brief. However, it is your ultimate decision to have our people work for you. We’ll take care of their wages and all other employment and professional benefits and costs.
Your responsibilities
You’ll instruct and supervise our people and approve their work.
If our people are working at your office, you must provide them with all the necessary ICT equipment to complete their work for you. You’re required to pay for any usual work-related costs (eg, travel and meals) according to usual employee policies.
Although you don't pay our fees when our people aren’t working, they’re entitled to have time off during a job. We’ll liaise with you to work this out at the time.
Changes and fair go
If you decide to substantially change the working arrangements for our people (eg, place of work or timing), you need to tell us. If changes impact our people unfairly, we will ask to amend the JC. If our people consistently work more than a usual professional day, we may charge you more to compensate them.
Fees and payment
We’ll invoice you and you’ll pay us based on the JC. It will normally be a multiple of time worked and the cost/unit. If payment is late, we may charge you 10% interest pa. If a job is >1-year, annual CPI increases apply.
Direct engagement
If you’d like to employ or otherwise engage our people, directly or indirectly, without us, within one year of the job with that person and you ending, we may require you to pay us a fee equal to 15% of the gross salary package paid to that person.
Confidentiality and conflicts
All information and documentation obtained or witnessed by our people during their job with you will be confidential between our people and you. All matters between you and us relating to our people (eg, fees, payment terms) are confidential between you and us.
If we, you or our people at any stage believe the nature of work they are asked to complete may cause a conflict of interest, the parties must immediately tell one another so it can be dealt with.
As we aren’t privy to the work our people do on a daily basis, you’re responsible for any negligent acts, errors or omissions they make. Therefore, we and our people aren’t liable to you or a third party for any loss or damage incurred and you indemnify us in this regard unless there is fraud or malicious intent involved. Neither party will be liable for any indirect or consequential loss.
Breach: either party can terminate this job, if there is a material breach unremedied after reasonable notice.
Convenience: unless agreed differently, if the job is for <6 months, we require 2 weeks' notice. If it’s more, 1 month's notice is required.
We may put on our website the fact that we’re assisting you. At any time, you may tell us to remove this.
Entire agreement
This document and the JC document are the entire agreement between us.